Unbiased and Fair Umpiring

The Anonymous Umpire Service

  • Each side will send their assessment of the diminished value or ACV they have compiled to our service. We will, in turn, redact all documentation from both sides, as well as the final estimate of repairs of all identifying information.
  • We remove any and all information that identifies any party (insurance company, appraisal service, repair facility, customer, etc) included in this dispute, put the information in a package and forward the redacted information to an Umpire on a rotational list of Umpires for their now unbiased evaluation of the information.
  • The Umpires evaluate the claim on its merits as a standalone case-by-case basis—not by whose list hired them.
  • After evaluation, we receive back from the Anonymous Umpire their assessed diminished value amount from the facts presented to them and we forward those findings back to each side. Once one side or the other agrees to the evaluation of the Umpire, there is no longer a need for anonymity at that point. The Umpire can then be revealed to both sides at their request, which also builds trust for our service, as you'll know what independent Umpire assisted the claim.

We will not use an umpire that is the employee of any insurance company. Our Umpires will all be independent appraisers with good standing and knowledge in the industry.

Not only is this a service you can utilize to settle these claims when the need arrases, you can also be an Anonymous Umpire on our rotation list and get paid for your evaluation. We encourage you to become an Anonymous Umpire on our rotational list of Umpires.

You will be assured of getting work as an Umpire through our service. It's a win-win for all parties involved!

This service relieves skepticism from all sides involved of the Umpire being used, as they are kept anonymous until the point in time an agreement is reached on the claim. The Umpire never has any pressures or alliances with any party involved in the process and can simply do the job of evacuation of the facts presented to him or her. This process cleans up an existing problem in the industry when an Umpire is needed and works inside of the current costs involved, adding no additional cost more than what it already costs to use an Umpire.

For your next claim that has to go to an Umpire, rely on the Anonymous Umpire for a fair, unbiased evaluation of the facts and findings of your dispute. Get resolution in a few days, not a few weeks or months, and close your file faster, getting the consumer to a fair assessment faster. The consumer does not, as a general rule, understand or really care to understand the ins and outs of our industry, but simply wants their claim handled quickly, fairly and get them whole again in as short of period of time as possible.

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